The Wise Call - 7/1/20

Happy first day of July everyone! I hope you all have been making the very best of your week thus far and are praising the Lord to have allowed you to wake up and do all that you have done. Today I want to talk about decisions. Specifically, I would like to talk about making wise decisions, rather than desired or appealing decisions. We have all been faced with this plight in life where we are at a fork in the road of life and we have to take a moment to weigh out our options. In this time people usually pull the calculators, the maps, start phoning friends and family for second and third opinions. But I have seen and done far too often where I pray about a decision in hopes for an answer to my dilemma, however I forget to truly listen for the answer from God. When we take the time to listen, for potentially long periods of time, we give God the opportunity to unravel life a bit and reveal circumstances that we might have overlooked if we were to just wing our decision. We must wait on the Lord's wise call to show us the way of His perfect will for us. For it says in Proverbs 8:1-2 NIV, 
"Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? At the highest point along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand;"

Remember the Lord is 100% willing and ready to lavish you with wisdom and understanding of your circumstances; we just have to be willing to be patient and listen when He calls. Have a blessed day! 🙂




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