Blessed Redeemer - 12/29/21

Blessed Redeemer
Hey Family, the title of today was the underlying theme at husband's prayer this morning and also a theme that has been playing out in multiple areas of my life, Christ, the blessed redeemer. As Christ followers, our Heavenly Father promises to redeem all things that are broken for His glory and our good on His timeline and process.

Today's Prayer
"Dear Heavenly Father, today I must thank You in advance for Your mighty works as I know You are already redeeming situations that seem impossible for us to reconcile, yet are simply just another Tuesday for You. When we put our full hope and trust in You, You create in us an unshakable foundation that Christ can build His Kingdom upon. So, Lord, help us to apply this type of thinking to our hearts, our minds, and to our daily actions, in Christ Jesus name we pray, Amen."

In the End He Will Redeem
Zephaniah 3:14‭-‬20 
"Sing, Daughter Zion; shout aloud, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, Daughter Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away your punishment, he has turned back your enemy. The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm. On that day they will say to Jerusalem, “Do not fear, Zion; do not let your hands hang limp. The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” “I will remove from you all who mourn over the loss of your appointed festivals, which is a burden and reproach for you. At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you. I will rescue the lame; I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame. At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes,” says the Lord."

Quote of the Day
"We must not offer people a system of redemption, a set of insights and principles. We offer people a Redeemer."
- Paul David Tripp

Have a blessed day! 🙂



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