Let Christ's Love Overflow - 4/27/20
Hey everyone, something that has really been on my heart these past few days is letting Jesus Christ's love overflow in my life, day to day. I'm not going to lie, there are plenty of moments that I don't want to love as much as Jesus is prompting me, but when I truly submit to what He is asking of me and just let my heart and actions be saturated in His love for all to experience I see Him move in miraculous ways. I don't know where you're at in your love walk, but if you feel convicted that you might not be as loving as you could be or aren't even working towards being more Christlike in the area of love, I deeply encourage you to start. For it says in 1 Peter 4:8, "Above everything, love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins." So, go show some love today, be joyful about it, and have a blessed day! 🙂
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