Our Desire for Control - 4/8/20
Good morning everyone, I have a heart condition that makes me want to have control over the things of my life. It's a pretty common condition, in fact, most people have it and they don't even realize it. Usually the symptoms surface as anger or frustration when you don't get your way. Another even more common symptom is writing elaborate plans in metaphorical pen instead of pencil because we think that since we came up with it after a few hours of research and a good amount of passion that it is foolproof. WRONG. God is in complete control and what He wills for our lives is what is going to happen regardless of how we feel about. So, to ease the pain of our plans being drastically changed in this life, the best thing we can do is to get fully instep with the Lord to the point where we can hear His whisper despite our chaotic circumstances. On the bright side of all of this, if you didn't know this yet, God always has our best interest in mind. So, if you are ever wondering, "What in the world is He doing up there in Heaven??", you can rest easy knowing it is something for your good.
Quote of the Day: "You might have a better plan (in your mind), but you don't have a universe."
- Francis Chan
Have a blessed day! 🙂
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