Mysteries Revealed - 8/5/20
Hello family, as many of you know it was Jackie and I's 2nd wedding anniversary yesterday and it was awesome but, something you may not know is that in highschool let's just say my dating life was non-existent and at the time it was quite frustrating, BUT little did I know was that God was going to reveal the woman I would marry very soon. Before we get into it, let us pray...
"Dear Lord, thank You for another day of Your grace, Your mercies, and Your blessings revealed. Without Your provision and insight Lord we would be hopelessly stumbling in the dark to find truth and sound judgement to abide by. Thank You for another day to lift up our praises and bring glory to Your name and Kingdom in Jesus Christ name we pray, Amen."
So, back to it, in Daniel 2 we see that Daniel goes to King Nebuchadnezzar to ask for time to interpret the king's dream. After seeking the Lord fervently the Lord reveals to Daniel the King's dream and it's meaning, and the cool thing about all of this is that upon explaining it to the king, Daniel makes sure to give ALL the credit to God. Don't miss that detail. You see family, we live in a society where far too often, people are willing to take the credit for the work and all they were from the beginning was just a messenger. Daniel knew this quite well, and God wanted me to know and proclaim that I did not "find" my wife. He revealed her to me at the appropriate time, as He does with all of life's mysteries. And if you let Him, He will do the same with you.
Daniel 2:25-30 NIV
"25 Arioch took Daniel to the king at once and said, “I have found a man among the exiles from Judah who can tell the king what his dream means.” 26 The king asked Daniel (also called Belteshazzar), “Are you able to tell me what I saw in my dream and interpret it?” 27 Daniel replied, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, 28 but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come. Your dream and the visions that passed through your mind as you were lying in bed are these: 29 “As Your Majesty was lying there, your mind turned to things to come, and the revealer of mysteries showed you what is going to happen. 30 As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I have greater wisdom than anyone else alive, but so that Your Majesty may know the interpretation and that you may understand what went through your mind."
Have a blessed day! 🙂
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